Altar PDX

Apothecary Discovery Box SUBSCRIPTION!

$ 317.70

You asked, so we made it happen! A monthly subscription box with incredible, hand-selected products from independent apothecary manufacturers whose work we know you'll love. Each box is a little different and reflect a range of wonderful body care benefits. 

Each box is valued at $90+ (retail) and can be purchased in the following tiers:

1 month (one time purchase):  $68 per box

3 month subscription: $57.95 per box

6 month subscription: $52.95 per box 

ONE YEAR subscription: $50 per box 

Box shown is just an example-- every box will contain unique surprises

HOT TIP: Even though, we have to charge for subscriptions up front, you can use Afterpay at cart checkout to break your payments into interest free installments ;) 

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