Artist Spotlight: Sarah Buscho

May 23, 2022

When we set out to cultivate a space on this platform, one of the most important aspects to us was working with amazing artists who have intentional craftsmanship and a beautiful perspective. 

Meet Sarah Buscho the founder of Earth Tu Face, a handmade, cruelty free botanical skincare line. Earth Tu Face was crafted with a love and inspiration  from nature and a belief that what is good for earth is good for us! Since 2010 Earth Tu Face has been offering us the opportunity to indulge in truly rejuvenating skincare, formulated in the finest plants. 

Recently, we had the pleasure of getting to know Sarah just a little bit more through a short series of fun questions. 

What is your go to feel good song at the moment?
Alanis Morissette: Thank U
What does your work space look like and what do you love about it?
I work from home, in my living room. I look out at a hillside in Fairfax, California. I have a hummingbird feeder, there are deer, rabbits, coyotes and wild turkey. I love working from home because it allows me to feel centered, I do a 1 hour hike on my lunch break and household chores to stretch my legs.
How did you first get into creating?
Creating seems to run in my family. My mom quilts, my dad turns bowls and gardens. These were not their professions but extreme hobbies. My aunt was an incredible seamstress and lawyer by day. My grandfather is still a prolific author at 98 years old in San Francisco. His two sons are powerhouse musicians and movie makers. I started mixing and making my own skincare in university out of need, before green beauty was a thing. It turned into this big art project now known as Earth Tu Face.
What piece of art do you consider timeless?
Music and architecture are as timeless as the redwood forests. Weaving and textile making are timeless art forms. Really what art is not timeless?
What other artists inspire you?
A close friend of mine is an inspired artist, Laine Justice. Her paintings capture nature and a field of inspiration hard to put into words. Ruth Asawa and Kay Sekimachi's creations are otherworldly organic forms that transport. Kay is someone I have met. She uses things like wasp nests, paper, and leaf skeletons to create etherial shapes and objects. I'm equally as inspired by the full form of art that is drag. RuPaul is a creativity and self-love genius.
What other brands do you recommend folx check out?
Pansy, Seek Collective, Aja Barber's writing, adrienne marie brown's writing, Electric Sun Creatives for driftwood and kinetic sculptures.
How have you evolved as an artist during your time making your line/collection?
My skin has really changed over the decades. I have been making what I use for two decades now. The line turns 10 this year. My skin benefits from different products now, and I've enjoyed making and launching those. Last year we launched a vitamin c mist (among other goodies), and this year we are launching refill station sizes, and a new exfoliation jelly that I am wild about. We hand pour balms into shells and paperboard tubes as an anti-trash statement. Everything is designed thinking through second order effects and circularity. We are ever evolving. We phased into metal caps over the past two years and are currently moving our label material into one that is made from stone (a biproduct of marble mines), not trees. Pivoting is joyous when we get to grow with sustainability innovations as they arise. Win-win's are where it's at for people and the planet. 

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